Monday, August 16, 2004

What does a person have to do for a key???

My word, maybe it is something I am paying for in my childhood. Maybe I slapped someone I shouldn't have and now I am paying for it. I mean really, is it so hard to give out a stinking key?? I have the experience! Damn you BLIZZARD!!!

It all started with an old buddy boasting about how his friend didn't want to continue his beta participation for World of Warcraft. I mean talk about being a pest, this fool wouldn't let me sleep at night without hearing about how he had just trained his Paladin in some art of whatever from whereever!! That bastard, maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if I was in, but dear lord! He was so gracious to let me play test it! WOO HOOO!! Man, talk about foaming at the mouth!

Now as I sit in class, a neighboring classmate informs me he is in too. My Goodness! What is this?!?! Please let me know my penance Lord so I can learn the errors of my ways, because all I wanted for Christmas was a World of Warcraft CLOSED beta key! Was that too much to frickin' ask??

Thanks to the cool neighboring classmate and boasting friend of mine for the opportunity to live the experience of World of Warcraft through their private playtime! Thanks from the bottom of my heart, blah!! jk =)



mudface said...

I feel your pain, Brother.

mudface said...

I got in to the stress test. You can come over and watch me play it.. He he.

monkeyboy said...

Yeah, me too. We will have to hook and get a game going before it ends...