Saturday, June 26, 2004

Block Drop Progress Report #3

Okay, I don't want to hear any lip! I'm a day late, yeah, SO WHAT! Below is a picture of the foundation of the game. Right now the foundation interfaces, such as basic rendering, input, logging, and debug functionality is in place. So this screenshot isn't meant to wow you, but rather show progress.

The next milestone is to create a fully functional Bitmap Font Rendering System that uses a Bitmap Font Template organizing each ASCII character for dynamic text building. This would be a good system to use for both the scoring system, any visible timers, and the High Score Screen. There will be more info regarding this system as time progresses. I will keep you posted on any third party tools that I may use for this as well. I believe there are some bitmap font template builders out there.

Well, enjoy.


mudface said...

Okay man, when are we getting a REAL screenshot? =)

monkeyboy said...

When I say so.. =P