Yeah, not much happened today, so I won't ramble much.
I just wanted to give big ups to my boy "hippybro" for making my cool self portrait that describes my simian roots to a "T".
Also, tonight will be a night for a lot of design work on my game that is currently in development. It is of course a tetris clone, but with some cool unique features that I hope will help it stand out from all the other clones out there.
It is funny where the ideas for additional features for the game came from. I was in the shower cleanin and scrubbin, scrubbin and a cleanin when I was hit by a storm of inspirational ideas for features to add to the game. I don't want to devulge them yet, but it will be soon. I will post a webpage soon to check out screenshots of the progress.
I am really liking this blogging stuff.
You better be makin' that game to run on MacOS X!
What happend? You quit posting? C'mon! =)
Sorry man, no Mac for this game. This is strictly Win32 and DirectX. I am sure there will be a time where the Mac Win32 emulation will be fast enough so you can have the best of both worlds!!! LOL, but until then, I have a spare PC you can borrow to check it out =P
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